Thursday, December 17, 2009

new pictures!!

we have so much fun together :)

very dramatic!

Best buds!!

What a ham! (and what a mess! yikes)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


First of all, PLEASE...I need help deciding what to get my husband for Christmas. We decided to not spend more than $40 on each other. He likes Cleveland sports, and Chipotle...and that's about it - haha! I think I might get him a Chipotle gift card (or a gift card to a different restaurant he likes), a game he wants called Bananagrams, and a CD. His birthday is coming up in February, so I was thinking of getting him one 'big' gift then. Ughh...why do guys have to be so difficult to shop for!?

So, as we start to get more of a hold on this whole 'money thing'...I am suddenly struck with all the things I want to save money for. Here's a list:

1 - A HOUSE! We already have some $ saved for a down payment, and we actually just talked to Ryan Homes on Sunday ( ) and talked to a mortgage guy today about buying/building a house in Willoughby. We have lot #106 on hold. I love it! Honestly, I wasnt crazy about Ryan Homes at first because Ive always wanted a big yard for our kids and I dont like the idea of living in a neighborhood where all the houses are close together and all look pretty similar. would be brand spankin new, AND really modern and beautiful! Anyways, we could just add to our savings for a house.

2 - Decorations/furnishings for our future house. I would want new couches, and we may need some appliances if our future home doesn't come with everything we need (we own NO big appliances) - plus I would definitely NEED ;) to buy more/new decorations such as but not limited to things to decorate the kitchen, picture frames (for walls and for tables), and we may even need more cleaning supplies including laundry detergent etc, considering we've never really done our own laundry (Thanks to my wonderful in-laws!!). We will also need bins and boxes for packing/organizing.

3 - Missions Trip. God has put a desire on my heart ever since before, but especially I was a senior in High School. It is then, in 2005, when He told me that one day I would go to Cambodia...hasn't happened yet, but I think He really needs to prepare me first so that I may be used for HIS glory! My hope and prayer is that my family and I can go when our kids get a little older, so they can also have the experience of seeing lives change.

4 - Vacation. Shaun and I really enjoyed going to Vegas this past January and we recently saw a really good deal for a suite at MGM (75% off!), but I told him to pass it up since we are trying to get a house right now. We need to draw the line somewhere. seriously! I would love love love to go back to Europe someday, but I know that would cost a lot because not only do you have more expensive flights, but probably a rental car, a place to stay for at LEAST a week (otherwise its just not enough time to do everything!), all expenses for eating all meals and snacks, well you get the point! I told Shaun I would love to go to a bed and breakfast in every state, or at least states we've never been to together yet.

5 - CAR/S! Shaun has a 1996 Honda Accord, and I have a 2000 Chevy Cavalier - both are in okay shape, but they both have no A/C. I think they will both die at the same time...probably in a couple years. Until then, we will just have to fork out money 3 or 4 times a year for repairs. yuck! Im just ready for a new(er) car! Even anything 2005 or after is great for me!

I think that's all for my list?

Any comments? :)